Will County Humane Society’s
10th Annual Fur Ball
Harrah’s Casino Joliet, 151 N Joliet St. Joliet, IL
Saturday, March 21st, 2020
Featuring dinner, silent auctions, raffles, and entertainment
Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond level sponsor ($1000)
Announcement and “Thank you” of sponsorship at the event
Company name and logo on signage at the event
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS electronic shelter sign (once monthly for 6 months)
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS website and social media pages (once monthly for 6 months)
1 page business advertisement in our event program **
Sponsor recognition listed in event program **
Platinum level sponsor ($500)
Announcement and “Thank you” of sponsorship at the event
Company name and logo on signage at the event
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS electronic shelter sign
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS website and social media pages
Sponsor recognition listed in event program **
Gold level sponsor ($100)
Company name and logo on signage at the event
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS website and social media pages
Sponsor recognition listed in event program **
Silver level sponsor ($50)
Announcement of sponsorship on WCHS website and social media pages
Sponsor recognition listed in event program **
**Sponsorships must be received before March 1st, 2020. For program advertisements, see below.
Donor Opportunities
Donate items or services for our raffle and/or silent auctions and receive:
Company Name/Logo on Donated Item at Event
Announcement of contribution on WCHS website and social media pages
Make a donation towards our event at the shelter or at willcountyhumane.com/donate and note Fur Ball 2020
Program Advertisement Opportunities
Half page program advertisement $50 * *Advertisements must be received
Full page program advertisement $100 * before March 1st, 2020.
QUESTIONS? EMAIL US AT [email protected]
Bookings are closed for this event.