Looking for a great way to be a part of a humbling cause? Want to help animals in need, but can’t adopt? You can still help! Our new Peace Love Rescue tumbler is just the thing for you! Proceeds of each purchase greatly benefit the animals here at Will County Humane Society! Being a non-profit organization, who receives NO government funding, or authoritative support, our rescue greatly appreciates every single donation! Plus, you get to show off a great looking travel mug everywhere you go! When someone asks, “Where did you get that fantastic tumbler!?” you can say, “I got it while supporting my favorite no-kill animal shelter!” You will become an advocate for animal rescue, and a voice for all of the voiceless animals in need. Can’t purchase? SHARE SHARE SHARE! The more awareness a fundraiser gets, the greater the exposure and potential support. To learn more about this fundraiser, as well as to purchse, please click on the link provided.